Welcome to
liveli-hood blog
a blog about making sh!t happen

/ˈlīvlēˌho͝od/ n.
A means of securing the necessities of life.
When passion and livelihood are aligned, beautiful things happen.
Welcome to Liveli-hood!
Welcome to Liveli-hood, a blog about making sh!t happen, brought to you by the boss babes at Liveli Planner.
Livelihood is everything we do. From the time our alarm goes off to the time we close our eyes at the end of the day, everything in between is in pursuit of the necessities of life, be those money, food, and shelter, or love, joy, and fulfillment.
But with the hustle of everyday life, we all share in the struggle to make time for the things that matter most. Liveli-hood is a community of women helping women to take back their time, to make room for what is most important to them, and to use time to achieve their goals.
Liveli-hood is brought to you by the creators of Liveli Planner. At Liveli Planner, we help people make the most of their time so they can achieve their goals, build deeper relationships, and lead healthy and happy lives.
Motherhood by Numbers | Preparing for Your Second Child
Motherhood by NumbersMotherhood by Numbers is a series by Liveli Planner about what growing your family actually looks like. We love to be excited for the arrival of a new baby but we rarely talk about what the journey of actually getting to that point looks like –...
How She Does It | Alikay Wood
How She Does It ALIKAY WOODWriter | Editor Alikay Wood describes herself as a twenty something who lives in New York City and works as an editor. In her free time, she likes to write books, rollerblade across Manhattan, and spend as much time with friends as possible....
How She Does It, Quarantine Edition | Paige Mejia
How She Does It Quarantine EditionPAIGE MEJIAMom of 2 Teens Business Owner Networking GuruPaige is a busy working mom of two teenagers, a business owner (of a pyrotechnics company!), a chapter leader of Meeting Planners International, and a networking guru. When...
Motherhood by Numbers | Preparing for Your First Child
Motherhood by NumbersMotherhood by Numbers is a new series by Liveli Planner about what growing your family actually looks like. We love to be excited for the arrival of a new baby but we rarely talk about what the journey of actually getting to that point looks like ...
Make Pregnancy (a little) Easier with Liveli Planner
There’s a lot to keep track of during pregnancy. Between milestones for both you and your baby, what you need to eat and drink daily, how much exercise to get, and what changes your body is going through, pregnancy can be mind-boggling and overwhelming. When I first...
How She Does It, Quarantine Edition | Angela Flick
How She Does It Quarantine EditionANGELA FLICKWorking Mom of 2 Life CoachAngela describes herself as "a type-A planner, over-thinker, and busy bee." With a full time job in marketing, two young kids, and a side hustle as a life coach, Angela may be one of the busiest...
#WFH Survival Tips
Maybe you’ve been dreaming of a work-from-home situation for a while now and you finally have it. You are loving the newfound flexibility and freedom, the very short commute, and the ability to avoid unwanted conversations with your awkward or annoying coworker....
How to Use Liveli Planner to Work from Home Like a Boss
Is working from home everything you expected it to be? If you have been working remotely since the start of quarantine, you have probably realized that remote work comes with a lot of surprises and unexpected challenges. Some good. Some not so good. Some days you feel...
Planning Your Way Through Quarantine
Remember the good ol’ days of wanting to cancel plans so we could stay in our houses, watch Netflix, and not change out of pajamas? Or thinking that a permanent work-from-home job was clutch? And remember how our kids used to hope for a snow day just for the chance to...
How She Does It | Christine Bosch
Christine Bosch is the creative goddess behind the beautiful designs featured in Liveli Planner. She balances a full time job and a busy side hustle while maintaining her valued relationships. Learn how she keeps it all together with her creative approach to designing a routine and taking care of herself.
3 Goals Better Than “Work-Life Balance”
The pursuit of ever-elusive balance can feel like just one more thing we’re failing at. So here’s an idea: let’s stop pretending balance is an achievable (or even desirable) goal. Here are three goals we can strive for instead…
How She Does It | Brie Milam
As an artist and business owner, Brie thrives in her flexible schedule but still struggles to find the balance and structure she is looking for. What we love about Brie is her thoughtfulness, self-reflection, and her intentional approach to designing a life she loves. Here’s our conversation with Brie, an inspiration for anyone who wants to create their own path.
What’s your 2020 Word of the Year?
Instead of making a long list of New Year’s Resolutions this year, why don’t you try something Melinda Gates practices and choose a Word of the Year to define what you want to achieve, who you want to be, or what you want to reach for throughout the entire year.
How She Does It | Chanea Wells Bond
Chanea juggles a lot of things on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis as a working mom, taking care of her daughter, loving her husband, and managing a demanding career in public education. We sat down with Chanea to learn how she makes the most of her time and where she struggles.
5 Ways to Minimize Stress and Make the Most of Your Holidays
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. You know the one. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Hanukkah. New Year’s. Boxing day (what does that even mean, Canada?). And while plenty of songs and movies paint this as a wonderful time (see above), according to a 2015...
The Casual Environmentalist’s Guide to Greener Holidays
We all have that friend or relative who gives us the side-eye when we pull out the plastic cutlery or makes some passive aggressive comment about how they never use plastic at home when we start handing out the plastic plates. We know they mean well, and we totally...
Your Weekly Grocery Trip Doesn’t Have to Destroy the Earth…
You’ve probably heard, the earth is slowly drowning in plastic. Among other environmental crises, plastic pollution is way up and since the vast majority of product manufacturers and retailers don’t seem to be taking notice, it’s up to us to make change if we want to...
How to Create a Routine that Sticks
Some people act like “routine” is a dirty word, as if you are so basic if you live a “routine” life or you are somehow failing if you get “stuck” in your routine. “Routine” has been blamed for institutionalizing the drudgery of adulthood and is therefore the...
6 Tips for Strengthening Focus and Breaking the Internet Addiction Cycle
Here’s the thing about the internet: it’s not going away. If you’re like me, your job requires you to use it in some capacity. So here I humbly offer a few suggestions for saving your internet-broken brain and becoming a fully functioning adult again.
Weird Places Clutter Hides
Ever since I watched “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” I have been on what can be described as no less than a rampage to rid my surroundings of clutter. My newly developed eagle eye for the material sh!t that is keeping me down has helped me find a few hiding places that...
5 Tips for Talking to Human Resources Without Ruining Your Work Life
Approaching HR can be nerve-wracking. Why have an adult conversation when you could give someone the silent treatment for the rest of your professional life? But in the long run it’s important to address the appropriate professional concerns with your HR department. Here’s how to do so without making your workplace awkward AF.
6 Ways to Be as Basic as Possible This Fall
Hear ye, hear ye, it is the time of year that fills hearts with fear and wonder. A time of mild seasonal change. A time when artificial pumpkin flavors fill the air and our stomachs. A time when wimps everywhere use horror movies as an excuse to snuggle up to their...
What No One Tells You About Working from Home
If there is one thing we know to be true in this crushing and soulless world of work we live in, I think we can all agree that the chance to work from home is a millennial’s dream: a chance to be fully functioning adults but in a way we are comfortable with (emphasis...